Republicans Shoot off Mouths – No Alternatives – No Solutions!

Republicans and T-Party critics have a lot to say about what the President is not doing for the American people, but they don’t have an alternative plan. They don’t offer any solutions to what they perceive as problems with Obamacare. Most of these critics are bigots and racists and play to their communities where very few blacks live. They want to divide and separate the country so they can have their own little Tea-Party next to Russia.

Republicans should be offering solutions to some of the problems that are facing the poor and less fortunate Americans. The Koch brothers and others spend millions trying to repeal some of “Obama laws” when they could be helping the less fortunate and creating jobs. The reason for not cooperating with the President is because he is “black” and they want their country back. Republicans tell lies about the President and try to destroy him and his legacy. Some people in the Presidents’ party are guilty of siding with Republicans. There are Americans who went to war and fought for this country, some made the ultimate sacrifice, and there are those who shoot off their mouths and sacrifice nothing. Their enemy in common is President Obama. Senator John McCain, a dedicated American Hero, is ashamed of some Republican Party members.
Ted Cruz

Paul Ryan

Michele Bachman
Republicans Representatives in Congress Shooting off their mouths against their Commander-in-Chief never fired a shot in defense of this country. How hypocritical is that?

One thought on “Republicans Shoot off Mouths – No Alternatives – No Solutions!

  1. Does the Republican Party know the meaning of compromise! I don’t think so! Because they only have one agenda, i.e., seek and destroy the legacy of the black President by any means necessary.

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